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Wealth Preservation - Beating The Evils Of Inflation

Currently, the consensus in the market is that inflation has troughed. Expectations are that higher commodity prices and surges in certain administered costs and taxes will cause the domestic inflation rate to rise – with an increase from the current 4% towards the 6% upper end of the inflation target, or higher. Simply put, inflation means that incomes have to grow much faster than outlays in order to maintain a constant standard of living.

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Skills Shortage In SA In Financial Sector Being Addressed At Grass Roots

The continuing skills shortages experienced in SA, particularly in the financial and wealth management sectors, has seen many organisations battling to recruit suitable employees with the right qualifications and skills.

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Foord Asset Management: New Board Appointments

Foord Asset Management has appointed Mike Soekoe and William Fraser to the board of directors of the company’s unit trust subsidiary, Foord Unit Trusts.

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Top General Equity Unit Trust In 2020 - Credit Given To Multi-Counsellor Approach

Morningstar reports that the Foord Equity Fund was ranked as the top General Equity unit trust in 2010. The fund was also the top fund of the 99 funds listed in the General Equity, Growth and Value sectors.

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Private Client Investing - One Size Does Not Fit All

It goes without saying that all investors want to be assured of only the best service and knowledge when it comes to the decision of whom to trust for financial advice and investment assistance. So how does one choose between using a multi-disciplinary service organisation – a ‘one-stop shop’ - such as an investment bank, versus the services offered by a specialist investment management business.

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Managing Equity Risk During Uncertain Times

The American comedian, Evan Esar, says that statistics are “the only science that enables different experts to draw different conclusions using the same figures.” This tongue-in-cheek definition certainly rings true during these uncertain economic times.

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Tim du Toit Interviews Star Fund Manager

As you know I am a big supporter of managing your investments yourself see 13 advantages of actively managing your money yourself. The most important reason is that only you truly have your own interests at heart.

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Retirement Annuities - The Iceman Cometh

Recently released draft changes to Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act (which govern how the underlying assets of a retirement fund may be invested) are likely to make retirement annuities (“RA’s”) less beneficial for investors.

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Multiple-Counsellor System Introduced To The Foord Equity Fund

From 1 December 2009, Foord implemented an exciting new development in the management of the Foord Equity Fund unit trust. The change was to introduce a second fund manager using a process called the “multiple-counsellor” system of investment management.

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The Foord Balanced Fund is placed 1st out of 18 comparable funds over five years in ASISA’s Prudential Variable Equity sector. The sector houses the flagship Regulation 28 compliant balanced funds of all the major fund managers.

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