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Setting Up Shop In Singapore

Fifteen years after its first foray into the global sphere in Guernsey, Foord launched its second foreign domiciled unit trust on 1 June in Singapore. CAROLYN LEVIN, managing director of Foord (Singapore), explains the strategy and the rationale behind the move.

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Foord Equity Fund Takes The Performance Spotlight

The Foord unit trust funds continue to perform well relative to their benchmarks and within their sectors.

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Save Regularly But Don't Fear Lump Sum Investment

Investors are often confronted with the conundrum of whether to invest a single lump sum at a specific point in time, or whether to contribute a regular amount to an investment. Mario Schoeman, Client Service Manager at Foord Asset Management, shows that both strategies have merit.

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Stock Selection Key To Future Investment Returns

Many studies have proved that over the long term, listed share markets generally outperform other asset classes. An investment strategy constructed solely around this principle, however, is a dangerous gamble. In fact, investors working from the assumption that broader equity markets will always outperform in the long term run the risk of significant loss of capital.

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How To Not Panic About Daily Market Fluctuations

Most investors will know that knotted feeling in the pit of their stomachs that happens every time there is a turn in market sentiment. And perhaps, as happens to many, such a gut reaction immediately prompts another involuntary response – that of, “Quick, I need to get out or get in, buy or sell, change my portfolio, go into cash or bonds… DO SOMETHING!”

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Retirement Annuities - Not A Tax Haven As Some May Think

As South African taxpayers approach the end of the 2011/2012 tax year on 29 February, retirement annuities (RA's) are being touted as an efficient means of making further provision for retirement whilst reducing current tax liability.

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Unit Trusts - The New "Must Have" On Any Wedding Registry

Bob Dylan famously sang that “the times they are a changing”, and this is no less true for the world of wedding nuptials and gift registries.

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Christmas Bonus - Don't Blow It, Grow It!

Many people who are lucky enough to receive a 13th cheque at the end of the year will start to think about spending it on luxury items, splurging on those things that are normally unaffordable. For others, this end-of-year windfall offers an opportunity to tackle things put off for months due to a lack of funds – whether it is household maintenance, replacing old appliances or repairing a vehicle.

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Foord Turns 30

This month Foord celebrates a major milestone – our thirty year anniversary. The company was founded in October 1981 by a 28-year-old Dave Foord together with Liston Meintjes. Both known for calling a spade a spade, they named the company simply Foord & Meintjes.

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Algorithmic Trading Is Anti-Investing

No doubt, recent turbulence in global markets has many investors asking why and how such volatility can arise. Answers to these questions are often replete with trite references to sentiment and behaviour. Indeed, these answers may offer partial explanations. However, as technology and artificial intelligence infuses more and more aspects of our lives, it reveals itself in a potentially insidious way in the markets.

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