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Did You Know? Carbon Neutrality

Carbon neutrality is a misnomer because the term really refers to the balance of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and its removal within a system. CO2 is a colourless, odourless gas that is essential for sustaining life. It is emitted when animals exhale or when organic matter decays or burns. It is absorbed by plants during photosynthesis and is one of the greenhouse gases that act to keep heat escaping the atmosphere.

Atmospheric CO2 levels began to increase from the Industrial Revolution of 1760 and have accelerated alarmingly since the 1960s. A build-up of CO2 in the system results in more heat retention, global warming and climate change. We have limited natural carbon sinks (soils, forests and oceans) that sequester (remove) CO2 from the atmosphere. The world thus focuses on emissions reductions in its quest for carbon neutrality.


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