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22 Nov 2010

Private Client Investing - One Size Does Not Fit All

It goes without saying that all investors want to be assured of only the best service and knowledge when it comes to the decision of whom to trust for financial advice and investment assistance. So how does one…

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01 Oct 2010

Managing Equity Risk During Uncertain Times

The American comedian, Evan Esar, says that statistics are “the only science that enables different experts to draw different conclusions using the same figures.” This tongue-in-cheek definition certainly rings…

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05 Jul 2010

Tim du Toit Interviews Star Fund Manager

As you know I am a big supporter of managing your investments yourself see 13 advantages of actively managing your money yourself. The most important reason is that only you truly have your own interests at heart.

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12 Mar 2010

Retirement Annuities - The Iceman Cometh

Recently released draft changes to Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act (which govern how the underlying assets of a retirement fund may be invested) are likely to make retirement annuities (“RA’s”) less…

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08 Dec 2009

Multiple-Counsellor System Introduced To The Foord Equity Fund

From 1 December 2009, Foord implemented an exciting new development in the management of the Foord Equity Fund unit trust. The change was to introduce a second fund manager using a process called the…

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25 Nov 2009


The Foord Balanced Fund is placed 1st out of 18 comparable funds over five years in ASISA’s Prudential Variable Equity sector. The sector houses the flagship Regulation 28 compliant balanced funds of all the major…

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