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15 Nov 2019

Simple But Not Easy

For many of us, investing appears to be a complex field of study with mathematical formulas resembling hieroglyphics. This may be true for a Masters of Finance textbook, but there is another, arguably more…

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14 Nov 2019

Preserving Investor Capital - The Foord Way

Capital preservation is fundamental to compounding long-term inflation-beating returns. WILLIAM FRASER explains the importance of liquidity, patience, objective thinking and flexibility.

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13 Nov 2019

It's Time In The Market That Counts

After a period of underperformance in 2017 and 2018, I feel compelled to thank investors for their patience and placing their trust in Foord. We take the stewardship of investments very seriously and look after…

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13 Aug 2019

Trade Wars - There Are No Winners

The World Trade Organisation (WTO) is the guardian of the rules-based system of global trade. US President Donald Trump’s displeasure with the WTO is clear as he provokes trade wars with China and with the US’s…

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01 Aug 2019

Now That The Dust Has Settled

South Africa’s sixth democratic elections are now over. PAUL CLUER takes stock of South Africa’s economic and investment prospects under the new administration.

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15 Jul 2019

What You Need To Know About Third Party Payments

Payments from investment accounts to persons or parties other than the named investor are called third party payments. Third party payments carry risks to the affected investors and to Foord. Director of operations…

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